How to Quit Smoking, 4 Essential Tips to Make Your Next Attempt Your Last

We've all been guilty at some time or another of doubting our abilities. There is nothing new in this. The difficulty arises when you are trying to quit smoking and find that you are completely overwhelmed by the situation you're in. The decisions you make at this point as to how you are going to keep control of your non smoking regime are absolutely critical.

You must take time out to create a plan that is rock solid and achievable and your success will be almost certain. Setting yourself up to win is the single most important area that you will have to address in your attempt to quit smoking, failing at this point, when the decision to stop, which you've already made, is 90% of the battle won, will set up a cycle of stop/start smoking.

The main difference between smokers who stop, and those who don't, is the simple desire to quit, along with the strong determination to make it work If they are merely interested in stopping they may toy with the idea for a short while. They may buy a book, have a meeting with their doctor, tell the family their plans but sadly do not go the whole way and complete the task. They often also research the best stop smoking aids for their particular circumstances, even at times looking for keep fit advice. The one major thing lacking is the determination to succeed.

How to Quit Smoking Tip 1

The dissimilarity is vast, determination being an obvious success trait, and lack of determination, a clear failure plan. You need above all else to make a solid decision to succeed and you have to sell yourself on the idea, if you don't believe in yourself, why should others? If you are merely thinking that quitting is a good idea, you will never achieve your goal. If you have made the decision, and built in the determination, the only item remaining for discussion is how soon?

How to Quit Smoking Tip 2

Humans are absolutely full of subliminal messages. Most of these come from folks around us, but the main decision enhancing ones are our own. You therefore need to learn to send yourself the correct messages. If you are sending yourself negative messages, your plan is fundamentally flawed, and is bound to fail. Your wish to stop smoking is half hearted, and failure is built in from the start.

How to Quit Smoking Tip 3

We all know that quitting smoking is not easy, being aware of this misses one major fact, that folks do stop smoking, so it can be done, why not by you then? Allowing yourself to be wrong footed by your doubts is not good for your final goal, and can seriously damage your confidence, setting yourself up for failure this time, and attempts in the future.

How to Quit Smoking Tip 4
It's therefore far better to deal with all the questions and doubts before you even attempt to quit. Decide that, no matter what, this is the time you will become smoke free, you haven't come this far to fail, and even when things get difficult the cigarettes will not win, ever. Decide to stop, period. Trying to quit for just the weekend, for instance, is a sure fire fail, because you will crave a smoke all weekend only to give in on Monday because that is what you promised yourself. For goodness sake, you were two days in to the rest of your life as a non smoker - why go back?It's just like a climber getting several thousand feet up a mountain, only to stop short of the top and come all way the back down, only to have to retrace his steps another time because it was too difficult in one attempt!!

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